an observation on 2019 salaries

Over 70% of the City’s General Fund is in salary and benefits. Generally, benefits are running at about 36% of salaries.  This information is provided to better understand the budget challenges facing our Council, as they adjust to the present budget situation and develop the 2021-22 Biennial Budget.

2019 City of Mercer Island TOP Salaries by department

2019 top salaries.PNG

The Mercer Island Fire Department (MIFD) claims the most positions in the top 20 salaries (9/20) and consumes over half of the city’s 2019 OVERTIME costs.


MIFD has consumed over 50% of the OVERTIME budget for at least the last four years.

historical MIFD OT.PNG

Our firefighters work alot of OVERTIME.

MIFD per ff overtime.PNG

The compensation for many of the firefighters is a function of overtime.  In November of 2019, the City requested proposals from 3rd party consultants to look at the issue of fire department overtime and make recommendations about the most efficient method to staff the fire department (which very well maybe the existing configuration).  The Matrix Group Consulting audit is due out any time now.  We fully expect the report to thoroughly analyze overtime in the Fire Department. 


Public Records Request 20-163:

2015_GrossEarnings Redacted.pdf
2016_GrossEarnings Redacted.pdf
2017_GrossEarnings Redacted.pdf
2018_GrossEarnings Redacted.pdf
2019_GrossEarnings Redacted.pdf
Employment Report 2015-2019.xls


The 2020-21 Budget is nearly complete


19 Fund Buckets